Going to try to start keeping up on this and post weekly. I would LOVE to get more exposure to this site. More of my friends so that I am not posting my entire life on Facebook for those I am not really that close to comment on etc. So please JOIN.

Sunday 9/13/15

Just got back from Praise and Prayer night at church this evening, I really liked it. about 20 minutes of singing Praise songs, then a small break, then we take the prayer requests that folks filled out during service, and we pray for specific needs in our congregation. Then More Worship, Then more Prayer. It was really Awesome.

Hey All

Welcome to my personal site.  Yeah can you believe the name?  Of course Pink Is Me right?

For now, I am going to use this site to just let folks know what I am up to, but on a more intimate basis that facebook.  🙂

That way, I can really have MY FRIENDS on here, those who want to show true support, and encouragement.  And I encourage you to share here with me as well.

